Choose your plan
for small businessesSTANDARD
- Competitor Analysis
- Keyword Research & Select
- On/OFF Page Optimization
- Website Speed Optimization
- Setting of Google Analytics
- Webmaster implementation
- Link Building 15 High Quality Links per Month
- €199/month
- Order Now!
For serious businesses PROFESSIONAL
- Competitor Analysis (5)
- Keyword Research & Select
- On Page Optimization
- Website Speed Optimization
- Setting of Google Analytics
- Webmaster iMplementation
- Link Building 25 High Quality Links per Month
- Organic traffic generated 1000/month
- €399/month
- Order Now!
For big businessesPlatinum
- Guarantee of Google Page Results 1-2
- Competitor Analysis(10)
- Keyword Research & Select
- On Page Optimization
- Website Speed Optimization
- Setting of Google Analytics
- Content Marketing 20 Pages
- Link Building 45 High Quality Links per Month
- AdWords Campaigns (3/month)
- Organic traffic generated 1000/month
- Google Display Campaigns ( 3/month)
- Conversation Optimization
- 2 SEO Articles/month
- SMM Campaigns (2/month)
- €699/month
- Order Now!