The best solutions for developing and protecting your Brand in the online environment. Brand Reputation Management.
Complete solutions for your brand
  • Analyze search reputation, identify the negative reviews on the web, will compensate them with positive mentions of your brand.
  • Protect your reputation in the search engines, develop an individual strategy to build the company’s look and governance to its users

Competence of the market leaders
  • Consider features of your industry and target audience (user behavior on the network, the procedure for making purchasing decisions), stimulate the natural receiving feedback from customers.
  • Manually check the reviews, as well as the tone and the list of sites for their location (sites with reviews, thematic resources, social networks, directories, forums, blogs).

Security Guarantee
  • We provide transparency at each stage of the work and the results achieved, individual accountability and continuous quality control.
  • We give legal guarantees of non-disclosure of confidential information, including the fact of collaboration.


Our Services

Monitoring and analysis of reputation
  • Monitoring of social networks
  • Monitoring of mass media
  • Monitoring of search engines
  • Monitoring of competitors and industry
  • Strategy development

Reputation formation
  • Formation and development of the media channel
  • Preparing of content plan
  • Increasing audience involvement
  • Management groups and accounts
  • Creating blogs and websites
  • Analysis of the target audience and its psychology
  • Adjusting total SMM-strategy

Working with negative social networks
  • Fixing negative when it appeared
  • Classification of negativity
  • Selecting the strategy to respond to the negative
  • Responding to negative with the involvement of opinion leaders
  • Preparing agents of influence on the forums

Negative displacement
  • Working with the regional SERP
  • Working with tips
  • Work with contextual advertising
  • Optimization of websites
  • Buying articles
  • Creating websites and accounts to remove the top
  • Working with large sites (Wikipedia and others.)

Some Facts About us



178 satisfied clients

7 years of experience


Tot ceea ce au promis in contract a fost servit chiar inainte de termen. Habar nu am ce "magii" fac baietii de la SEO Institute, dar website-ul institutiei pe care o conduc este in prima pagina de rezultate pe Google dupa toate cuvintele cheie oferite si garantate contractual. Recomand tuturor SEO Institute!

- Rares C. -

I hired SEO Institute for two services: development of our website and later the SEO services for it. In both cases they did a super excellent work and we are continuing to work with them. We are recommending SEO Institute as the best SEO and web development company that we ever worked with.

- Gabrielle T -

SEO Institute mi-a promis contractual ca website-ul afacerii mele va ajunge in prima pagina de rezultate pe Google in aproximativ 3-4 luni de zile. Ei, au "mintit"! Baietii astia au reusit aceasta minune in mai putin de 4 saptamani! Felicitari si multumiri! II recomand tuturor celor care cauta oameni care chiar se pricep la SEO si intotdeauna ofera mai mult decat promit!

- Eduard D. -

Am abordat SEO Institute acum 4 ani de zile cu o provocare care am crezut ca imi va fi refuzata, le-am spus ca "vreau cu ajutorul serviciilor voastre de SEO sa duceti site-ul meu in prima pagina de rezultate pe". Ei mi-au raspuns asa: "stiti ca ne vom lupta cu nume grele precum, ebay, amazon etc?" Iar eu le-am spus ca stiu! Ei aproximativ 7 luni mai tarziu SEO Institute a reusit sa duca site-ul meu in prima pagina de Google si de 4 ani de zile lucram impreuna, pentru ca ei au cele mai bune servicii de SEO din tara.

- Sarolta E. -

SEO Institute did an excellent work for my company. First i hired them to build our website and then to promote it with SEO strategies in Google. They did an excellent job! Congrats to the team!

- Delia H -

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